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What are you doing this summer? For most of us, it seems that summer is a time where we try to slow down a bit and relax. For some of us, that means finding a quiet place; on a beach, at a campsite or maybe just in the backyard and settling down with a book. If that sounds appealing to you, let us try to help you out with some options and allow you to get to know the church staff and elders a bit better in the process. Here is what we are reading (or at least hoping to) this summer;

Aaron Day - Lead Pastor

The Deeply Formed Life  by Rich Villodas

I like Pastor Rich's sermons and he's really into racial reconciliation alongside of justice as well. This book looks to go beyond the title Christian to actually being deeply formed by JESUS and looking more like HIM. Check this out from the back of the book "This book is a road map to live in the richly rooted place we all yearn for: a place of communion with GOD, a place where we find our purpose amid chaotic times."

A Kid's Guide to the Armor of GOD by Dr. Tony Evans

I'm going to start reading this with my 3 youngest. Armor of GOD book for kids plus Tony Evan's wrote it...nuff said.

Bonus books (if I can get to them)

Letters to the Church by Francis Chan

This is a hard hitter about JESUS' letters to the Churches in Revelation, what we can learn and apply today and how to go about it. 

What Paul Really Said About Women by Dr. John Temple Bristow

This is a book on the Pauline teachings on women according to Dr. Bristow. It is a challenging look from a non-traditional perspective from 1988.

Jon Merwin - Executive Pastor

Awe by Paul David Tripp

It's easy to lose sight of what is really awe-inspiring and to start looking to earthly, created things to bring us awe rather than to the one who created those things to point to Him. I need to be reminded of this in my own life and redirect my gaze to God's awe-inducing glory.

The Kremlin Conspiracy by Joel C Rosenberg

To be perfectly honest, I don't like to read, so, when I do, I tend to read books that I deem "beneficial", aka practical. I tend to read books that I think will help me grow in my faith, will be helpful in my role as a pastor or are areas in life in which I'd like to grow/learn. For those reasons, I never really read fiction as I would much prefer to just watch a movie if I'm looking for entertainment. But, in honor of this reading list and in an effort to push myself, I will give this book a try, though admittedly I don't really know anything about this book or author. Wish me luck!

Romans 8-16 For You by Timothy Keller

My small group is currently going through the book of Romans (though we're on a bit of a break for summer) and just completed the first half of Romans with the second half coming soon. The "For You" commentaries read more like a book than a "normal" commentary making them a really good read for helping you to understand scripture. In addition, I love everything by Timothy Keller making this particular "For You" commentary even better.

Various Others

I tend to have serveral books around that I'll pick up off and on as time allows and interest sparks

Colleen Wohlford - Children's Director

Throw the First Punch by Beth Gukenberger

This book is all about being proactive in spiritual battle. Knowing where your sin weaknesses are, being aware of what in your own heart may trip you up as well as where the enemy would whisper lies into those weaknesses. I'm a little over half way through and it's great. She also has Start With Amen that I really enjoyed a few years ago. It's all about surrendering to God knowing that He loves you and will walk you through the hard things he's called you to.

Don't Give The Enemy a Seat at Your Table by Louie Giglio

I haven't started this one yet, but he unpacks Psalm 23 digging into overcoming the lies of the enemy and walking in peace and security.

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

This is always a great pick and the Problem of Pain is very thought provoking

The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom.

It's her story from WWII and hiding Jews, her families arrest and time in a concentration camp. It's all about forgiveness and healing.

Bethany Bordon - Adminstrative Assistant

Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer

In a world more confusing maybe then ever for kids, a biblical world view can't be more important. My heart is to train up my kids in Apologetics so they can better understand, defend and have a biblical worldview and empower them to the challenge cultural lies of today.

Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas

I want to read this because, I believe it is a message that the church needs to hear and we have a choice in how we will engage the culture, and it is our job as the church to be unashamed of the Gospel and how that applies to culture.

Another Gospel by Alisha Childers

 I want to read this to better understand the so many different views, teachings and even "gospels" now present in churches, it is easy to be confused or tricked into believing things that actually aren't the real Gospel, this book addresses some of those lies and gives you knowledge to combat those.

Patrick Nye - Elder

Subversive Sabbath by A.J. Swoboda

I first picked up this book a couple of years ago after hearing A.J. talk about Sabbath-keeping on a podcast. I am looking forward to re-reading/finishing it and being able to further explore my own Sabbath-keeping practices.

Live Not By Lies by Rob Dreher

In this book, Rob looks at what he calls "soft totalitarianism" - a form of totalitarianism that he claims is more akin to Brave New World than Nineteen Eighty-Four. He looks at the stories of historical Christians like Jerzy Popieluszko, Silvester Silvester Krcmery, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and how they faced persecution and gives ways as Solzhenitsyn wrote to "live not by lies" in a culture that is increasingly hostile to our faith.

Holy Sexuality and the Gospel by Christopher Yuan (audiobook version)

In this book, Dr, Yuan expounds on the idea of holy sexuality - chastity in singleness and faithfulness in marriage. He offers theological and practical insights on finding our identity in Christ and not in our sexuality.

The Wingfeather Saga book 1: On the Edge of the Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson

A fantasy-adventure series written for kids around 8-12 years old, I am excited to start reading this with Samuel. It follows the adventures of the Igiby children in a land called Skree. It features references that resemble the biblical narrative and many positive character traits for young children - like patience, kindness, courage, and the importance of family.