Thanks for joining us today!
As followers of Jesus, we are called to be 'Set Apart' from the ways of the world, pursuing holiness as we live by HIS grace, for HIS glory, and in HIS power to bring about HIS Kingdom in and through HIS people. We are “Set Apart” for a purpose, to intentionally live lives of obedient faith and holiness “for the sake of HIS name among all the nations.”
Only GOD is awesome and worthy to be praised...always! With this in mind we get to honor HIM above anybody and everybody, anything and everything. Let the world know HE is awesome!!
Discussion Questions -
When was the last time you were so overwhelmed by GOD's goodness you started praising, thanking, celebrating and making a big deal out of HIM? What's stopping you from doing so now? Go for it!
Please re-read Romans 11:33-36
In verse 33 Paul mentions the depth of riches, wisdom, knowledge of GOD alongside the unsearchable judgments and untraceable ways of GOD. Which of these 5 attributes proclaimed captures your admiration and why?
Please read Isaiah 40:13 & Job 41:11, how are these similar and different from Romans 11:34 - 35? How do these verses confirm GOD's sovereignty and worthiness of praise, worship and obedience?
Please read Revelation 4:1-11
What is the equivalent in your life to "cast their crowns before the throne"?
Please praise GOD for how awesome HE is and ask HIM for wisdom and strength to live for HIS glory.
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